Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Organically Yours

It seems going green has become less of a trend and more of a lifestyle.

Re-usable cloth bags for shopping, alternate fuel sources, organic clothing, and energy efficient appliances have flooded our homes. So it comes as no surprise that skin and hair care would be included as well.

moistureThe more we learn about the harmful chemicals found in cosmetics the higher the demand has become for a healthy, safe alternative. After all, our bodies are organic; it only makes sense that hair and skin care products should be as well.

As Winter approaches or traveling looms in your future, remember to combat the pains of dry winter skin by drinking more water. Water is sure to hydrate and brighten dull winter skin away. Also, try to keep your showers warm, not hot; it will help with any dryness and be less of a shock when you walk out of the shower (burrr cold!).

While we are in the shower, lets talk about that hair! Non-organic shampoos claim to leave you with healthier, more luxurious locks. In reality they leave your hair stripped and lifeless. It has been estimated that up to 5,000 fragrance additives have been put in shampoos and conditioners to create "natural, botanical" scents. Why not just use non-toxic organic hair care such as Just Natural TM to liven your hair and leave it looking, feeling, and smelling naturally wonderful?

Want to go green literally? Astara’s Green Papaya Nutrient Mask is organic, paraben-free, and unbelievably effective. With ingredients like grapefruit, ylang ylang, calendula and added vitamins B5, C, and E, this mask nourishes, resurfaces, soothes and polishes the skin while calming the nerves and senses. Naturally synergistic combinations such as these also have the added benefit of aromatherapy; particularly important since stress adds to tired looking skin and accelerates the aging process.

Less is more when it comes to our bodies and choosing organic options is a great step in a greener and healthier direction.

What are your favorite green products?

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